Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Over the past several months I have been co-writing weekly with a friend.  Co-writing is vulnerable, naked, raw.  It is idea bouncing off of idea, dream meeting dream,  lyric meeting melody to birth a fairy tale. When I enter the room for an evening of co-writing, I know that I will have moments of brilliance and moments of lameness.  The freedom to be both, to put both good or bad idea out into the open, is important in the journey towards a great song.  It is equally important to know that there is a safe place for any idea to be shared.  I won't be made to feel the fool, but can perhaps even laugh at some of the nonsense.  One thought can spark another thought, leading to the missing piece of the puzzle of a song.  If I don't release the good with the bad, and allow myself to be vulnerable before another, we might miss out on a beautiful story.  We need to leave offenses at the door with the understanding that this is a partnership, and both parties need to be satisfied with the result.

Relationships take work, and none are perfect.  My husband and I are no strangers to arguments.  It is a common occurrence for us to have completely different plans, thoughts, ideas or ways of going about a thing.  Married or not, being able to relate to another person is a skill that we need to learn in order to live life in harmony.

Driving in the car the other day, I could feel the tension of ideas brewing between us.  I looked at him and said, "Hey, let's co-write our life together."